BH Pen & Laser Crafts

Little BoxBetter Odds

The puzzle pictured is made of 1/8" plywood. The entire box was finished with a coat of clear lacquer.

The puzzle pictured is made of 1/8" plywood. The entire box was finished with a coat of clear lacquer.

Chinese Torture

The box  is 3” square, with two panels on each side. Every outer panel  can move, but none of the inner panels can move at first. By moving  all of these pairs of  panels, you can eventually remove one pair of panels, opening the box.. There is no obvious starting point, and if  you move the wrong panels first, the box will lock. Even if you find the correct panels first, you can still lock the box, but you won’t know this, because everything seems to be working! 13 moves to open, if you know how. Extremely difficult to solve!
Cutting: easy. Assembly: Not too bad. Size of the box is 3” by 3” by 3” and is made from 1/8" plywood.

This BH puzzle kit has alignment pegs built into the parts to make assembly easier and virtually every part in the kit is labeled. The plans for this kit are free.

Photo Assembly instructions.



Chinese Torture